
Junior dos Santos bedyrar sin oskuld

Junior Dos Santos, den tidigare tungviktsmästaren, har nu uttalat sig för första gången efter att han misslyckades med ett dopingtest utfärdat av USADA. Dos santos säger bland annat att han är oskyldig och att hans intentioner är att möta Francis Ngannou i framtiden.

Dos Santos blev struken från UFC 215 som går av stapeln den nionde september i samband med desssa nyheter. Videon där han uttalar sig återges nedan:

Dos Santos manager, Ana Guedes släppte tidigare ett uttalande om att han har testat positivt för ämnet Hydrochlorothiazite, vilket inte skall vara ett prestationshöjande medel. Guedes uttryckte sig på följande sätt:

We now have the official copy of Junior’s August 10 urine test. The level of hydrochlorothiazide listed on his USADA result was ”low.” Additionally, the specific gravity reading of Junior’s urine sample was 1.025, indicating that the sample was not diluted. We understand the concentrated urine sample to mean that the low level of hydrochlorothiazide in Junior’s system had no diuretic effect on his sample.

We are learning about some recent anti-doping cases where low levels of hydrochlorothiazide have been the result of supplement contamination, and even contaminated ground water. A 2016 study published by the National Institutes of Health found that over-the-counter NSAIDs left hydrochlorothiazide traces (See: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/27611956/).

Our goal now is simply to determine the unintended source of the hydrochlorothiazide. To that end, we have identified two nutritional supplements that Junior recently began using–neither of which show hydrochlorothiazide anywhere on their respective labels or ingredient lists– and are working with USADA to test both. Hopefully that gets us answers.

All drug tests that Junior has taken–both prior to and post implementation of the USADA program–have been negative, including blood and urine samples he provided on July 10 of this year. He prides himself on being a clean athlete, and looks forward to resolving this matter.

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