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Kron Gracie ville egentligen möta någon bättre än Alex Caceres i sin UFC-debut

Nu till helgen kommer kampsportslegenden Rickson Gracies son, Kron Gracie, att göra sin debut för UFC då han tar sig an Alex Caceres i organisationens 5000:e match. Matchen är Gracies 5:e i karriären och änsålänge är han oslagen med alla segrar via submission.

Under mediadagen inför helgens gala berättade Gracie att han egentligen inte ville möta Caceres från början då han egentligen ville möta någon bättre i sin debut.

I think, stylistically, it’s a cool matchup because it’s kind of a little bit old school to a sense. But, personally, I like to fight guys that are going to try to come in for the kill. I think that’s a better fight, as opposed to fighting somebody who may run away, so I’d rather fight tougher fights. Win or lose, I’d rather fight better fights, guys who are going to try to come in and put some action on me.

Gracie blev även tillfrågad om han hellre hade velat tävla utan att ha namnet Gracie, då det innebär att han har mer att leva upp till som medlem i Graciefamiljen.

If I were to think like that, then I wouldn’t have made it this far. As a kid, I’ve always been very grateful to represent the family and able to even be good enough to do so, because not everybody in the family has skills to compete and has the ability to stay good when the lights are on. I’ve always, ever since I was a little kid, been good at competing. Even if I didn’t like it as much – or didn’t like training or didn’t like a lot of stuff – it’s always been kind of my path where everything works out the best. When the lights are on and when the pressure is on is where I do my best. When the training gets tough, it’s kind of when I do my best. So everything in my life has kind of been pointing toward that.

Gracie gör sin debut för UFC nu till helgen under UFC Phoenix då han tar sig an Caceres.

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