Michael Bisping och Luke Rockhold var under en tid de störst rivalerna i mellanvikten i UFC.
De tog hem var sin seger i de två matcherna de möttes i. Första där Rockhold segrade via submission, och sedan när Bisping segrade via knockout i första ronden och tog hem bältet.
Bisping är idag pensionerad, men Rockhold har fortsatt gå matcher. Tyvärr har han fått 3 förluster i de senaste 4 matcherna.
Senast mötte han Jan Blachowicz i lätt tungvikt och fick utöver en förlust via knockout en bruten käke.
Bisping är ansvarig för en utav dessa förlusterna, men är inte glad över att se hur det gått för Rockhold.
Via Twitter:
“If he continues to fight and prove everybody wrong, that would be amazing.”@bisping has words of encouragement for former rival Luke Rockhold (via @arielhelwani) pic.twitter.com/xq8eUGBdfX
— ESPN MMA (@espnmma) July 22, 2019
Not only is he not in my weight class anymore, but I’m not competing anymore. So I don’t look at Luke as a rival. I look at him as a human being and I wish him all the best, I really do. Listen, was he a bit of a tool in the lead-up to our fight? Yes. Did he give me tons and tons of ammo to use and make everybody laugh? Yes, he did, and for that, I will thank you. Did he fall to the power of ‘Left Hook Larry?’ Yes, he did, magnificently. And I thank you again for that. So why on earth would I be mad at this person?
I wish him the best. I admire the skill and technique to knock somebody out, I never enjoy actually seeing somebody get knocked out. ‘And certainly somebody like Luke that had such a great career. To be knocked out three of his last four, you know, listen, I know what that feels like, to lose. So I don’t take pleasure in that, I really don’t. I wish him all the best. If he continues to fight and prove everybody wrong, that would be amazing. And if he retires and hangs it up, then God bless him.
Vad tycker ni om Bispings kommentarer gällande Rockhold?