
Michael Bisping tänker släcka lyset på Dan Henderson


Jaser Davari


Mellanviktsmästaren Michael Bisping kommer härnäst att ta sig an Dan Henderson, och mycket pekar på att mötet kommer äga rum i Manchester i oktober. Här kan ni läsa vad Bisping har att säga om den kommande matchen, varför han vill möta Henderson och hur han planerar att försvara bältet via ”SiriusXM”:

Yes, I can confirm. My next fight, I believe, will be be in Manchester in October against Dan Henderson, who used to be ’Decision’ Dan Henderson until he discovered testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and then he became ’Knockout’ Dan Henderson and knocks me out.

He was on testosterone replacement therapy, as I said, at the time. I had no idea and here we are, seven years later and he’s still competing in the UFC when TRT was banned. The guy’s an absolute hypocrite. He was manipulating the system. He was cheating. Call it what you will. I’m very happy. I get to get my revenge on even playing field.

Listen, I know there’s other people that maybe or definitely are ahead of him in terms of rankings, but Dan Henderson is almost done. He said he’s only going to fight one more time. Those are the guys that are going nowhere. October is just around the corner. I believe it’s thirteen weeks until the fight. So, I’ll go out, I’ll beat Dan Henderson, I’ll pay him back for what happened in 2009 after cheating. Whoever’s next in line, they’ll still be there and we can go at it. No problem.

If they’d have came to me with me Weidman, I’d have say, ’Yeah, that sounds like fun. I’m in’. If they came to me with Jacare, I’d have said the same thing or a Rockhold rematch, I’d have said the same thing. But the fact is they came, they put that idea in my mind and ever since they said that, that’s who I am fighting in my head. It’s as simple as that. I’m sold to the idea, I’m going to beat Henderson up and then we’ll go from there.

Make no mistake: in October, everybody can tune in to see America’s no. 1 bad boy getting knocked the f–k out. Make no mistake about that.

Sist vi såg Michael inne i oktogonen slog han ut Luke Rockhold i första ronden under UFC 199, Bispings fjärde raka seger sedan han ströps ut av just Rockhold när de möttes under ”UFC: Fight Night 55”.

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