
Miesha Tate lättad över att slippa dramat med Ronda Rousey

Under gårdagen hölls presskonferensen inför UFC 197 i mars, där bantamviktsmästarinnan Holly Holm ska försvara titeln mot Miesha Tate.

Stämning var dock annorlunda när forne mästarinnan Ronda Rousey inte var närvarande och Tate känner sig lättad över att det inte fanns något drama. Tate och Rousey har under lång tid varit rivaler.

Det här berättade Tate, via ”MMAMania”:

It’s just a different kind of feeling leading into this fight. I am a fan of respectfulness and I think Holly is a true sportsman. I like this fight, I like the match up and it’s a little refreshing to not have it be against Ronda and have to go through all the drama of seeing each other all of the time. Holly and I are very friendly, so, it’s just different and nice.

Holm känner även hon en lättnad över att inte längre behöva tänka på en returmatch mot Rousey.

I was open to a rematch with Ronda, but I just wanted whatever opportunity was going to come. I think this is even more of a challenging way to go. There is a lot of pressure behind it and anticipation of what I am going to do after the last fight. There is a lot of high expectations. And who wants to be a one-hit wonder, right? So yeah, I want to perform and do well. A lot of people are saying, ’Oh, you made it to the top!’ And it’s like, that’s just one fight. But, every fight is still something where you want to get better and improve. I still feel like I am climbing and climbing and I don’t ever want to feel like I am at the top. If the Ronda rematch would’ve came, that’s what I would’ve focused on. This is work for me, one fight at a time and I am going to focus on it. Now it’s Miesha, so that’s what I focus on. The whole rematch with Ronda is not even on my mind anymore, that’s not where my focus should be anyway.

Tate och Holm möter varandra under UFC 195 den 5 mars.

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