Malmö-fightern Pannie Kianzad tog hem karriärens största seger när hon besegrade Bethe Correia under nattens UFC-gala på Fight Island.
Pannie Kianzad andra UFC-vinst
Pannie Kianzad (13-5 MMA, 2-2 UFC) tog sig an den forne UFC titelutmanaren Bethe Correia (11-5-1 MMA, 5-5-1 UFC), på UFCs sista gala på Yas Island i Abu Dhabi. Kianzad lyckades besegra Correia via enhälligt domslut.
A new name to know at 135 – @PannieKianzad! 🇸🇪#InAbuDhabi | @VisitAbuDhabi | #UFCFightIsland3
— UFC (@ufc) July 25, 2020
🇸🇪 @PannieKianzad putting it all together here! #UFCFightIsland3
— UFC Europe (@UFCEurope) July 25, 2020
NEVER let your guard down, folks. 😳 #UFCFightIsland3
— UFC Europe (@UFCEurope) July 25, 2020
Efter matchen berättade svenskan att hon var lite missnöjd med sin insats, trots vinsten.
That was a tough fight, I knew it was going to be like this, I prepared myself for it. She’s tough as nails, I felt like I had the upper hand though, I’m really happy with this win, even though maybe I didn’t feel it was my best performance, but s*** happens and I felt really happy with everything we’ve been through, all these months. My team has been really supportive.
I knew she would try to take me down, I had that feeling. She did get me down once, but I feel like she didn’t do any damage, I tried to go for something, but I felt it was better just to get up, she was pretty heavy on top.
This has been amazing, thank you UFC for all this. Who would have thought that we would be fighting here, we’re the only sport in the world doing this. I appreciate everything and I would love to come back as soon as possible.
Vinsten är Kianzads andra raka i UFC och den 13:e totalt i karriären.