
Paulie Malignaggi öppnar för en fight med Jason Knight

Paulie Malignaggi har besvarat Jason Knights utmaning efter Knights returmöte med Artem Lobov i helgens Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship event. Malignaggi säger att han är villigt att möta Knight men då i en boxningsmatch vilket enligt han ska vara det enda som kan få han att återvända till fighting från sin pensionering. Malignaggi säger även att han i så fall måste kompenseras på rätt sätt.

Malignaggi meddelade nyligen att han hade gått sin första och sista match i BKFC efter ett enhälligt domslut i förlusten mot Artem Lobov på BKFC 6 galan. Detta på grund av att han tidigare i karriären haft problem med handskador och efter sin BKFC-debut så har de förvärrats i båda händerna.

Knight fick sin rematch mot Lobov och lyckads vinna den via TKO i den femte ronden. Detta var BKFC 9 galan som gick 16 november i helgen.

Här är Malignaggis meddelande till Knight via Instagram.

“Well done Jason, solid adjustments Saturday night. I have not yet seen the fight but saw higlights and your sense of timing and disciplined game plan was very impressive to notice. You def caught onto a few tactics from my fight and fought smarter. I wish my hands could survive the impact again cause truthfully I enjoyed the experience and wouldn’t have minded facing you after your display. However I have a career history of hand problems and I cannot keep risking them or I’m gonna wind up with permanent damage to them. If there are interested parties that are willing to put up enough money I am not against regular boxing though where some protection for my hands is there. Maybe David can do a card where you and I glove up but instead of a ring we can fight in the bkfc squared circle with our undercard consisting of bare knuckle fights. Again its dependant on the compensation. After all, we are prizefighters. Once again though, well done and congrats on an impressive display.”

Knight svarade Malignaggi i kommentarerna på hans Instagram inlägg.

“Thanks brother, I’d love to make this happen… and it’s not a disrespect thing either, I’d just like the test against a real boxer and see where I stand skill wise,” Knight posted.

Malignaggi följde sedan upp med.

“No disrespect taken at all. You are a competitor and I respect that. If someone compensates us well for the fight I can def consider it and we can go from there. This forum is public so people can see the interest in making this possibility a reality is there from us both. I have also given a possible way we can do it with bkfc still promoting it if they have this interest 🥊💯”

Hur tror ni  det skulle gå mellan Malignaggi och Knight i en boxningsmatch?

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