
Ray Borg diskuterar McGregor-incidenten, ögonskadan och nättroll

Ray Borg hade en minst sagt turbulent vecka förra veckan. Det var tänkt att den topprankade flugviktaren skulle ställas mot Brandon Moreno. Men den forne lättviktsmästaren i UFC, Conor McGregor, grusade de planerna när han tillsammans med ett stort antal ligister från Irland stormade arenan inför UFC 223 och slängde en lastkärra genom en fighterbuss. Glaset som krossades for in i Borgs öga och matchen fick ställas in.

Genom ’The MMA Hour’ berättar Borg följande om McGregor-incidenten.

My eye was a little irritated, but I didn’t really think much of it, and it wasn’t until later that day that the small shards and particles of glass that were on my cornea were what really caused the irritation. I personally didn’t even want to get looked at by a doctor, but as I was trying to get on with my weight cut, my eye just started killing me and I was advised to go see a doctor and get checked out.

I was first checked out by the UFC doctor. The doctor that they always have there, I forget his name, but I got checked out by him first. He looks in my eye and tells me it looks like I have some corneal abrasions, maybe iritis, because I was kinda sensitive to light. So as I get to the hospital, they admit me and they didn’t just look at my eye and say, ‘Oh, yeah, your eye looks a little messed up. You can’t fight.’ They ran a whole [gamut of tests]. They did it twice just to double-check to make sure. I had them do it twice.

Borg trodde inte att glaset hade gjort så pass mycket skada utan kände en viss ögonirritation men skadan var värre än så.

They said I had multiple corneal abrasions, which was causing the irritation and a little bit of the blurriness that I was seeing.

To be honest, I thought I was going to be fine. My coach Brandon [Gibson], he had told me that he had gone through the same thing before, to where he’d had shards of glass in his eye and it just bugged him and bugged him, and then they kinda gave him some drops and some medication and he was better in a few days. Even the UFC doctor told me that it would be better within 72 hours, so I truly thought, ‘Okay, you know what, I came in, got checked out like they needed me to. Maybe they’ll just send me on my way and give me stuff that USADA will approve and I can take the next couple days until fight night and be fine.

But no, after that the UFC doctors as well as the doctors in the emergency room didn’t advise me to fight Saturday night.

Borg hade sina glasögon på sig vid tillfället när lastkärran kom flygandes och krossade fönstret, han fick utstå skarp kritik efter händelsen där internet-troll hävdade att han ’fegade’ ur matchen och att glasögonen ’skyddade’ hans ögon. Borg fick sedermera dela en bild på sitt läkarintyg genom på grund av att kommentarerna blev så pass hårda.

People think that because I wear glasses, they’re like some type of universal protection field. Anybody who wears glasses knows that you still get sh*t in your eyes.

I was advised to kinda just leave it alone, not say anything, just let the trolls be trolls. I was always told don’t feed the trolls, don’t feed the trolls. But it had gotten to the point where some of these people were just getting so outrageous, so outrageous that I had to defend myself. I can’t just ignore certain things, same thing with wanting to get off the bus when all this happened. I felt the need to defend myself, so as much as I would’ve rather not put all my personal [information online], put a doctor’s note and everything that gave me — I would’ve rather not had to do that, but unfortunately the fanbase that is involved with MMA right now required me to do that.

The Conor McGregor era came with two things. One, a great big deal of new people watching this sport, but also a great big deal of dumb people watching this sport. What really started to get to me on social media is when people starting to more or less come after my family. If you’re going to start talking crap about me and things like that, whatever, I don’t care, I have thick skin, I can take it, it doesn’t matter to me, thse people don’t have faces. But when I see [people] on my social media calling my wife a fat ho and just ridiculous stuff — I mean, I had some people even telling me that they wished the dolly went through the window and blew my head off. Like, man, people are insane

Vi kan dock glädjas av att matchen mellan Moreno och Borg har bokats om till UFC Chile som går av stapeln den 19:e maj, samt att ögonskadan inte gett permanenta skador på ögonhinnan.

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