Tidigare mellanviktsmästaren i UFC, Robert Whittaker, har valt att göra en järv förutsägelse inför den kommande matchen mot Jared Cannonier.
Whittaker som återigen rider på en framgångsvåg efter en imponerande seger över Darren Till i juli valde att bryta ner matchningen i ett nyligt avsnitt av Submission Radio:
Mate, he is a bit of a monster. He’s tough, he’s strong, he’s resilient. He just comes forward and he just hits you with that aggression and power, and he’s kind of got that unstoppable momentum sort of thing going for him right now. But the thing is though, I’m actually pretty good at monster slaying. When I went through the division the first time, everyone was a monster. I carved through them. And I respect his skillsets, I just think I’m better. I think I have the toolset to beat him, and I’m gonna put them to the test.
Även om Whittaker respekterar Cannoniers skillset är han optimistisk över att kunna avsluta sin motståndare vid UFC 254, vilket han misslyckades vid matchen mot Till.
I have a feeling this one’s gonna be much quicker [than the Till fight]. We’re both gonna go out there and we’re both aggressive guys. We’re gonna take it to each other and we’re gonna see where the chips fall. I guess I had a great game plan with Darren Till. The game plan going in, which was to use my entire skillset, be patient, and that got me across the line and I stuck to the game plan perfectly. And hats off to my coaching staff for just making sure I stuck to it, because I have a tendency to stray sometimes. But I think moving forward in the Jared Cannonier fight, I’m gonna do the same thing. I have an entire skillset at my disposal. I think I’m better than him across the board. I can take this fight wherever I want. As long as I’m leading the dance, I think he’s in a lot of trouble.
I think I put him out and get him out at the end of round two, I think I’m gonna be too much. I’m gonna sting him too much. I’m gonna touch him up.
Australiensaren Whittaker har 21-5 i record.