
Ronda Rousey sågar UFC:s behandling av fighters: WWE är mycket bättre

Ronda Rousey intervju

Tidigare dominanta bantamviktsmästarinnan Ronda Rousey har flera gånger benämnt WWE, där hon medverkat under de senaste åren, som fejkfighter. Detta har fått flera av hennes pro wrestler-kollegor att rasa.

Rousey väljer att svara sina kritiker med att jämföra den fysiska ansträngningen och potentiella skadorna inom MMA i jämförelse med pro wrestling. Hon sade följande via Instagram:

Anyone who is outraged by me calling pro wrestling ‘fake fights for fun’ has never been in a real fight. While you all are tip-toeing around bruising some pro wrestlers’ huge soft egos — no one is thinking about all the real fighters you’re insulting when pretending pro wrestling is somehow on the level of realism.

Yes, I understand, wrestling 300 days a year for years on end is incredibly tough on the body and a difficult profession — but do you know what would happen if you got in 300 REAL fights a year? You would be dead.

Anser att WWE behandlar sina fighters bättre än UFC

Rousey har ändå tyckt om att gå ”fejkfighter” och valde även nyligen att hylla WWE för hur man behandlar sina fighters i jämförelse med UFC, i synnerhet när det kommer till lön och hälsa.

I think it comes with the age of the sport. The older the sport is, the more the athletes can really can start to come together and fight for what they think they deserve as a unified front. The WWE being older, they definitely have developmental programs where they bring people into live and train by the [Performance Center] in Orlando. They get a salary and they get unlimited access to doctors and physical therapists and all these different things, as an Olympian I would have been so happy to have something like that.

UFC originally didn’t have anything like that. They started moving toward like, ‘OK, we’re getting some kind of medical insurance,’ cause it used to be like, ‘OK, you’re only going to be covered for injuries up to 60 days [after] the fight,’ and then ‘OK, we’re going to get some kind of medical insurance.

Rousey anser även att WWE är mycket bättre än UFC då de betalar sina fighters regelbundet året runt istället för endast när de ska medverka vid galor vilket generellt endast blir två eller tre gånger per år:

WWE’s even better, because everyone’s on salary,” Rousey said. “It’s not like you show up for a fight, you get paid, you show up for a fight, you get paid. They’re treated like employees. They actually are on a salary, it’s much more secure. If people get injured and they can’t perform months and months and months on end, they can actually continue to pay them and pay for their medical treatment and make sure they’re taking care of.

They do their best not to leave people high and dry. They really invest in talent and spend time building and developing them. As soon as they hire people, they’re on salary right away, which is very, very different from having these lumps of prize money.

Det är oklart om Rousey kommer att återvända till WWE men många ser det som mycket trolgare än att vi någonsin får se henne i UFC igen.

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