
Valentina Shevchenko inte nådig i sin kritik mot Nicco Montano

Valentina Shevchenko på vågen

Valentina Shevchenko kommer att få vänta på sin chans att erövra flugviktstiteln. ”Bullet” var ursprungligen tänkt att möta den nuvarande mästaren Nicco Montano om titeln på UFC 228 som äger rum i natt i Dallas, Texas. Matchen blev dock inställd efter en misslyckad viktnedgång som tvingade Montano att uppsöka sjukhus med njurproblem. Lyckligtvis verkar det som att Montano nu mår bra, men det gör inte saken bättre för  Shevchenko som nu står utan motståndare.

Via Instagram han nu Shevchenko delat med sig av sin syn på situationen, och hon är inte nådig i sin kritik mot Montano. ”Bullet” tror inte en sekund på att Montano har njurproblem, utan är fast övertygad om hon drog sig ur för att slippa gå matchen, och att detta även är något hon planerat under en lång tid.


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I am not surprised about this situation with Nicco. And I told it before, she can pull out from the fight at anytime. She was trying to avoid this fight several times already. It is my 3rd preparation for this fight. Looks like It was her plan from the beginning, to show up for the fight week , to build up her name, speak confident and secure, and then escape from the fight in the last minutes. She was speaking about Fighting spirit and character…. What kind of fighting spirit she is talking about? I don’t believe in a version about health issues, she was looking totally fine in open work out and media day. Her actions are totally unprofessional! First of all I am very sorry for all my fans who came to support me! I am very upset about all this happening. I was preparing for this fight hard and serious. My plan was to leave Dallas with the belt. I will keep moving forward. And will seize the next opportunity to take what is mine. Thank you everyone of my dear friends for your support!

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I am not surprised about the situation with Nicco. And I told it before, she can pull out from the fight at any time. She was trying to avoid this fight several times already. It is my 3rd preparation for this fight. Looks like it was her plan from the beginning, to show up for the fight week, to build up her name, speak confident and secure, and then escape from the fight in the last minutes. I don’t believe in a version about health issues, she was looking totally fine in open work out and media day. Her actions are totally unprofessional!

Montano var en jättestor underdog i matchen, där en seger för mästaren skulle ha gett drygt åtta gånger pengarna. UFC har nu gått ut med att de tar ifrån Montano bältet och att de för närvarande letar efter en ny motståndare åt Shevchenko.

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