
Stephen Thompson ointresserad av match mot Leon Edwards – möter hellre Nick Diaz

Welterviktaren Stephen Thompson uttrycker ett ointresse av en match mot Leon Edwards då han hellre vill möta Nick Diaz.

Trots tidigare rykten om ett möte mellan Stephen “Wonderboy” Thompson och Leon Edwards så nämner nu Thompson att han inte är intresserad av matchen. Istället siktar Thompson på att möta den återvändande veteranen Nick Diaz, som ska vara på väg till oktagonen i början av nästa år.

Inte intresserad av Edwards

Det var under en intervju med “Submission Radio” som Thompson blev tillfrågad om en match mot Edwards. Han svarade då att han inte är intresserad av matchen utan istället vill möta Diaz.

I’m not really interested in fighting Edwards. If I were to be honest, If he ever comes back, Nick Diaz would be a really good fight. Interesting fight for sure. He’s very tough. I think I said something on Twitter the other day about how I would welcome him back to the division for sure.

Tycker synd om Edwards

Thompson fortsatte med att han tycker synd om Edwards för den situation han sitter i. Thompson anser att Edwards förtjänar att gå match om titeln men tror det faktum att Edwards bor i Storbritannien har gjort det svårt för honom att hitta motståndare.

Leon Edwards, he doesn’t have a fight coming up. But I feel almost bad for the guy, because he literally is the guy in the top five who deserves to fight for the title, and I think that him not being able to get out of London and fight had something to do with it, that’s why they put up Gilbert Burns. But he definitely deserves the title for sure. We’re managed by the same management company, and I just kind of feel bad that he hasn’t fought for it yet. And he, I think is the scariest guy in the division, he really is. Every time you see this guy fight, he gets better. I mean, he comes into the UFC a striker. Now he’s out wrestling, out grappling guys like RDA, even Vicente Luque when they fought. He was outwrestling him, taking him down, controlling him on the ground. He gets better every time you see him, and those are the guys that you really have to watch out for, really have to study for. Guys like Colby Covington and Usman with that wrestling base, you kind of know what they’re bringing to the game. But with someone like Leon Edwards, he gets better, he’s a scary opponent.

Vill möta Nick Diaz

När det kommer till Diaz så tror Thompson att han själv är ett bra test för Diaz när han väljer att komma tillbaka då en vinst för Diaz skulle föra honom närmare en titelmatch.

I just wanted to put my name out there. That’s a guy who’s been in the game a long time, he’s a veteran and he’s fought some really good guys. I love the Diaz brothers, just their whole demeanor and their attitude, that’s just who they are. They’re not faking anything about it. And you gotta respect that. That’s just who they are, these guys. They crack me up, it’s awesome. They’re some tough dudes. I think it would be a great test back for him. I’m ranked number six right now. Obviously trying to move up the rankings, if he beats someone in the top 10, maybe in one or two more fights, he could be fighting for a title cause he’s got a name. You’ve seen guys doing that, guys that are popular in the division, go to a division, have one or two fights and get the title shot.

Sist vi kunde se Thompson i oktagonen ställdes han mot Vicente Luque på UFC 244 som ägde rum på Madison Square Garden den 2:a november förra året.

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