
Tim Kennedy besviken över Michael Bispings ”trash talk”

Michael Bisping är känd för att vara en av de fighters i UFC som använder sig av mycket ”trash talk”, och Tim Kennedy berättade att han förväntade sig extra mycket av den sortens snack innan deras möte vid ”UFC: TUF Nations Finale”.

Kennedy och Bisping har de senaste veckorna växlat ord med varandra, men nu säger Kennedy att han är besviken på Bisping. Kennedy berättar via ”MMAJunkie”:

It has been a one-sided campaign of talking crap because he sucks so bad. Apparently he’s the best at it. Him and Chael Sonnen are supposedly the one’s who can talk the most smack, but obviously not because he can’t hang at all with what I’ve been doing the past six weeks.

I’m fairly disappointed in the allure of Michael Bisping’s crap-talking. He still has a couple days, so hopefully he has an ace up his sleeve. If not, I’ll be disappointed.

I fight emotionless. When we’re in the cage, I’m going to do what I’m supposed to do. I’m sure he hopes I’m going to get a little crazy. I’m going to hit hard, always look for the takedown and always look for the submission. If he doesn’t keep his chin down, he’ll be waking up shooting a double on whoever the ref is.

Trots att Kennedy inte har särskilt mycket respekt för Bisping som person vill han tydliggöra att han fortfarande tycker att Bisping är en bra fighter och berömmer honom.

Michael Bisping is a very good fighter. He’s been top five for like five years. Look at the guys he’s beat, the guys he’s lost to. He’s beaten really good guys, and he’s lost to just the very best.

I don’t ever see Michael and I being friends. I’m just not going to be hanging out with him. We’re different people, different lives. He mocks everything about who I am as a person. All the things I stand for: serving my country, my family. These are priorities in my life as who I am. We’re never going to be friends.

Skrivet av Per Posch.

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