UFC, Videor

VIDEO: UFC:s nya handske ska förhindra ögonskador


Ralph Nordahl

Dana White UFC

UFC kommer göra en stor förändring när det kommer till handskarna fighters bär.

UFC presenterar ny lättare handske

Vid en officiell presentation igår i Las Vegas avslöjade organisationen hur deras nya handske kommer att se ut. Förändringen gjordes med målet att reducera handskador och ögonpetningar samtidigt som det inte ska påverka rörlighet eller prestationer. Dessutom blir de lättare än de förra.

Handsken förväntas att användas första gången vid UFC 302 den 1 juni i Newark, New Jersey.

Ni kan se presentationen om handsken nedan som filmades av MMA Fighting:

Fredagens presentation hölls av UFC:s vice VD inom kommersiella produkter Ember Morr som annonserade att den nya designen av handskarna gjorts av tillverkaren VICIS RDI. I videon berättade även VICIS vicepresident inom produktutveckling Jason Newbauer även om den nya handskens egenskaper som kan gynna fighters:

The current glove that they were using was basically just a chunk of foam, a solid piece. It wasn’t really developed as an impact-mitigation type of foam, it was just more or less a certain density that seemed to work well for fighting. The limitation there is one, how much it absorbs impact, but also its rigidity, and that was probably one of the major parts of the glove was that rigidity wouldn’t allow you to easily open and close your hand and therefore you could have eye pokes or other difficulty during fighting.

What we developed was a multi-layer slip-plane system that allowed us to continue to mitigate those impact, but allow those slip layers to slide on each other in use without ever minimizing the actual offset between your hand and the outer edge of the glove.

Förändringar har även gjorts gällande sömmar, vaderingen, vristbandet och hålen för fingrar med intentionen att reducera skador.

The final product is something that we’re extremely excited about- It is a glove that is really going to revolutionize the MMA fight glove space. Some of the changes you’re going to see on the new glove are there are zero seams around the hand, all of the seems are around the inside, so there’s no place for a laceration to occur from a seam. The padding in the back of the hand has been broken into two and essentially the first pad in that break allow for the hand to have this movement, while the new layering technology allows for the hands to move and be flexible. The layering system aside, the foams are different foams, they allow for impact dispersion so that you’re not getting as much impact in a singular spot in the knuckle, so you’re seeing more distribution of the strike across the hand.

There’s pads that are on the bone, that are on the outside of either side of the hand. The new wristband is a curved, ergonomic wristband, so it actually cinches down to the wrist. There’s no more room to put your hand down into the actual glove, and then it’s a cross-function cinch, so it also allows for that tight custom fit to be exactly how the fighter wants around their wrist and provides support.

The finger holes used to be cut straight across the finger. We’ve now cut that down at an angle so that there’s no bulk under the finger, which is allowing you to close your hands and not fight against the leather in the hand.

UFC Fighters Vanessa Demopouos och Julian Erosa deltog även de i videon där de gick i god för en demoversion av handsken som testades live i ett nyligt avsnitt av Contender Series.

Under en Q&A efter presentationen berättade UFC-representanten Duncan French att statistik visade att antalet ögonpetningar minskade i Contender Series-matcherna. Han kunde dock inte bekräfta om detta berodde på den uppdaterade designen för handsken.

We hope that that is a consequence of a redesign and the nature of the glove, but we’re all watching moving forward to ensure that this is going to be the case.

Vad är era tankar om förändringen med handskarna?

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