
Vitor Belfort publicerar ett hjärtskärande öppet brev till sin försvunna syster

2004 drabbades familjen Belfort av en obeskrivlig förlust när Vitors syster Priscila försvann oförklarligt. Trots att flera gripanden gjorts genom åren har Pricila aldrig återfunnits. I tisdags, på Pricilas 43-årsdag, postade Vitor Belfort ett öppet brev till sin syster på Instagram där han uppdaterade henne på vad som hänt i hans liv och berättade om deras familj.

I promise that, somehow, I will celebrate this day as if you were by my side, Pri, my kids always ask about you. They want to know every detail of your life. And, of course, I couldn’t forget your great friend (Joana, Vitor’s wife), who ended up becoming your confidant. We love you very, very much. And, Pri, I just talked to mom and she promised that, on this great day, she will celebrate your birthday without staying home. She said she’s going for a walk with a friend. And you know how dad is, right (laughs)? He’s still the same.

Exactly 43 years ago a princess was born. Her name was already pronounced sweet. PRISCILA VIEIRA BELFORT was born. Pri, wherever you are I really want this message to come to you. I hope in God’s Eternity of all creation. You can have access to LOVE messages. In fact, our father had already said that love is greater than everything. And it is with this love that I come to congratulate you on your birthday. I promise that somehow I will celebrate this day as if you were by my side. Pri, my kids always ask you! They want to know every detail of your life. @davibelfort @vitoriabelfortoficial and @kyarabelfort it is logical that you could not forget your great friend @joanapradob who turned out to be your confidant … rsrs Well … we love you very, very much. And Pri just spoke to Mom and she promised that on this big day she will celebrate her birthday without staying at home. She told me she’s going out and walking with a friend … Daddy you know what it’s like? LOL It’s still the same … That day especially we all wanted to be able to hug you and kiss you. I forgot to say; Dad returned to live in BH with our family. He is being very well taken care of there. All cousins ​​and aunts love you very much and say that they miss you a lot. All our cousins ​​have already become parents with beautiful children! You can not imagine every beautiful nephew we have !! Well I write this letter directly from Montreal in Canada, on January 14th I will do my last fight on @ufc. Pri, they have been fighting for 21 years and I confess that I can not wait to follow up on my second journey. In which all who participate will be winners. I and @joanapradob created @belfortfitnesslifestyle a new model of gyms and next year we started opening for franchises. We are very happy with the result. We have a huge list of interested people and our students have become a great family. I’m sure you would love our students, each with a wonderful story. Pri, right now I had to wipe away many tears from my face when I wrote this letter but I know that every tear is translated by God. Because only He understands that language. I Love you, my sister.

A post shared by Vitor ”The Phenom” Belfort (@vitorbelfort) on


Pricila försvann efter att hennes mor lämnat henne på jobbet i Rio de Janeiro, bara veckor innan Vitor Belforts returmatch mot Rany Couture om bältet i lätt tungvikt. Belfort beslöt sig trots allt för att genomföra matchen och vann sedermera på knockout. Han dedikerade matchen till sin syster och bar en t-shirt med texten: “Come back, Pricila.” Trots teorin att Pricila kidnappats och mördats har aldrig någon kropp gått att finna. Belfort har flera gånger talat om sina svårigheter att hantera hennes försvinnande.

I Instagramuppdateringen nämner Belfort även sin uppkommande match mot Uriah Hall under UFC Fight Night 124, Vitors sista match på kontraktet. Belfort kommer senast från en seger mot Nate Marquardt på UFC 212.

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