
Dana White om Francis N’Gannous problem: ’I completely saw it coming’

Francis Ngannou intervju

Det fanns mycket hype kring tungviktaren Francis N’Gannou när han skulle möta mästaren Stipe Miocic i januari med 10 raka vinster i ryggen. Han gick då med sin första förlust i UFC via ett enhälligt domslut och populariteten avtog.

I det nästa mötet med Derrick Lewis slutade det med vad som kallats för kanske den tråkigaste tungviktsmatchen i historien.

UFC:s VD Dana White menar att han var beredd på denna utvecklingen för N’Gannou

Francis Ngannou, at the time that he was coming up, I believed this guy was going to be the guy, was going to be the heavyweight champion. And he lost his mind. This guy completely lost his mind and started to act in a way that you just don’t act. I completely saw it coming, that Stipe, obviously Francis Ngannou is a massive, strong, hard-hitting guy and anything can happen when he gets in there, but Stipe has this thing where he feels disrespected.

This guy’s always on fire and pissed off at the world, pissed off at us and I saw that coming. I knew, Francis Ngannou left the training center here where had trained for previous fights, took off to France, was in France training or doing whatever he was doing leading up to the Stipe fight, because he absolutely, positively knew he was going to beat Stipe.

I don’t know. Ngannou has a lot of things he needs to fix personally and professionally to see if he ever gets back on track again.

N’Gannou har nu 2 raka förluster och ett record på sammanlagt 11 vinster och 3 förluster.

Tror ni att N’Gannou kommer att göra comeback i samma stil som han fightades tidigare?

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