
Dana White: Vi bär en del av skulden

Helgens match mellan Yoel Romero vs. Tim Kennedy, som ägde rum vid UFC 178, slutade kontroversiellt då Yoel tog extra tid på sig att vila ut mellan andra och tredje ronden. Nu meddelar Dana White att UFC bär en del av skulden i händelsen, och detta hade han att säga via ”MMAJunkie”:

There was also a language barrier. But I saw the guys from the commission. They were yelling, ‘Get the hell out of there!’ I don’t care what language you speak — you know what get the hell out of there means. You know what time you’re supposed to be out of the octagon.

It was our guy who globbed all that Vaseline on his eye, so a really weird situation. Extremely controversial.

Everybody knows that’s an old dirty trick, but the thing that throws a kink in the whole thing is that it was our guy that put the Vaseline on, so there was nobody trying to take advantage, and they called his guy back in to wipe the Vaseline off, and he didn’t understand.

So it’s very unfortunate, and it’s an odd thing that absolutely never happens. Who knows. I have to see how he feels; I’m sure Kennedy wants a rematch. But you can’t take anything away from the guy. It was an awesome fight.

Romero besegrade slutligen Kennedy via TKO tidigt i tredje ronden, och hur detta kommer att sluta återstår att se.

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