
Domaren och BJJ-svartbältaren Mario Yamasaki besvarar kritiken

Mario Yamasaki

I juni möttes Kevin Lee och Michael Chiesa på UFC Fight Night 112 i Oklahoma city och Lee vann via ett rear naked choke efter att domaren Mario Yamasaki avbrutit matchen. Dock tapade aldrig Chiesa och han var snabbt upp på fötter efter Yamasakis stopp. Det ledde till att många fans, fighters och även UFCs VD Dana White tyckte att Yamasaki ingrep för tidigt.

Efter att Yamasaki fått utstå en hel del kritik har han nu uttalat sig om matchen via Combate. I hans ögon är det ingen tvekan om att Chiesa hade slocknat.

It would be easier to just let him be, but I’m a fifth degree jiu-jitsu black belt. I’m sure he went to sleep. Everyone said he didn’t tap, but there’s no tapping when you go to sleep, otherwise he would’ve moved his arm. I only have to move an athlete when I’m in doubt and there was no doubt. I saw a guy who stopped defending himself and going limp.

He came back very fast. I was in the moment, there’s nothing I can do. That’s where the confusion and the controversy begin. Dana, as a promoter and an excellent business man, is in his right. He promotes well. I don’t have to say anything. It’s his opinion, he thinks Chiesa didn’t go to sleep. Whoever is in there at the time knows. I don’t need to answer anything. The more I talk about this, the more it’ll grow.

Även om kritiken har varit hård gör Yamasaki det klart att han kan ta det. Han säger dock att han är orolig för sina barns skull.

I’m used to it. I’ve been doing this for 20 years. What hurt was my kids, nephews and nieces who are little, asking why they’re talking about me. People calling you things can get to you in the first or second day, but we’re tough. You just have to deal with it, there’s no way around it.

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