Francis Ngannou (17-3) håller med Luke Rockhold (16-5) om dennes kritik mot nuvarande fighterlöner.
Francis Ngannou: Listening to Luke’s interview was very pertinent.
Francis Ngannou har varit en av de drivande i rörelsen för höjda fighterlöner. Vid flera tillfällen har han uttalat sig om de förhållanden som fighters slåss under.
Nyligen, inför sin comeback, har Luke Rockhold blivit ett av de stora tillskotten till debatten om vad UFC betalar sina fighters. Under ett mediaevent uttalade han sig om lönerna idag kontra lönerna innan exklusiva sponsorsamarbeten:
Everything I’m saying is justified and truthful. Just because I should be in a position of power before I say this shit? Fuck off. I have nothing to lose. I don’t need this business. I love fighting, and I’m here to fight the best motherfuckers, and this happens to be the place where it’s done. The company is fucking growing, and they’re implementing other little stupid-ass bonuses – $5,000 here, $5,000 there. $50,000, man? We’ve been stuck on this motherf*cker for 20 f*cking years. I mean, back when GSP was fighting Jake (Shields), I mean, what was it? $100,000? Fucking it was growing.
Francis reagerade på Rockholds kommentarer på sin Twitter. Utöver det han ansåg vara relevanta observationer, utvecklade han debatten med egna argument.
Listening to Luke's interview was very pertinent.
A lot of things that nobody is talking about it and the company just rolls with it.— Francis Ngannou (@francis_ngannou) August 17, 2022
Fighters are ripped off with Sponsorship. It’s a huge source of revenue for us but the company keeps exploiting that for their own benefit.
— Francis Ngannou (@francis_ngannou) August 17, 2022
I understand that the sport needs to look good with uniforms but we should at least have a right for a minimum of 2 approved sponsors for in the octagon.
— Francis Ngannou (@francis_ngannou) August 17, 2022
Inflation is up 🙄
— Francis Ngannou (@francis_ngannou) August 17, 2022
Ngannou har en match kvar på sitt kontrakt
Det är ingen hemlighet att Ngannou befunnit sig i konflikt med UFC. Med en match kvar på sitt kontrakt är framtiden osäker. Med tanke på all kritik mot UFC spekulerar många om Ngannous nästa steg i karriären.