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Michael Bisping och Luke Rockhold ryker ihop efter presskonferensen

Michael Bisping lyckades under helgen slå ut före detta titelhållaren Luke Rockhold i första ronden under UFC 199, och plockade därmed hem bältet i organisationens mellanvikt. Trots att matchen var över hettade det även till under presskonferensen efter galan, detta Luke Rockhold att säga om det hela:

That guy is such a dick. I mean, you show your true colors after a fight, and that fucking guy comes up to me and he’s like, ’Do you know where you are, do you know where you are?’ I fucking picked you up off the canvas and gave your respect. That guy is a piece of shit and I want to fucking come kill him next time around. He’s just a maggot. Those are true colors.

Bisping hade detta till svar:

Some say revenge is sweet, I think it’s better than sweet. Luke, come on buddy. When the shoe was on the other foot, I leaned over and thanked you for the moment and said well done. I shook you’re hand and you said. ’I don’t want to shake your hand’ and told me to fuck off basically Hey buddy, you got knocked the fuck out, you got knocked out! Sit down and shut up. What an asshole.

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