
Robert Whittaker om Georges St-Pierre: ”Han såg riktigt slö ut”

UFCs interimmästare i mellanvikt, Robert Whittaker, var inte särskilt imponerad av Georges St-Pierre. Australiensaren tyckte att St-Pierre såg slö ut men menade att han fortfarande har kvar sitt ”fighter IQ” inne i buren. Genom news.com.au sade han följande.

To be honest, he looked slower than he’s ever been. He’s just as crafty. You can see the intelligence is still there. His fight IQ is still there. He obviously hits harder at middleweight. But I hit hard, and I hit fast — and much harder and faster than Bisping. And I have much better defense than Bisping. So it looks good.

Whittaker har länge varit ett fan av St-Pierre och inväntar gärna en match mot en av de bästa genom alla tider.

I can’t even put it into words. I was a massive fan of him when I was younger — and when I was at welterweight, as well. Every welterweight in the world aspired to become something like him. If I got the privilege of fighting him? Man, dream come true.

I’m happy to wait. Fighting a legend like that is worth the time. My wants have to go on the back seat a bit for him. He’s a living legend, and in respect I’ll do that. But if he’s going to hang around at middleweight we’ll touch gloves eventually. I’m confident.

Whittaker blev UFCs interimmästare i mellanvikt när han besegrade Yoel Romero genom enhälligt domslut under UFC 213.

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