
Tränare: Cain Velasquez är knappt på gymmet

Cain Velasquez UFC

Cain Velasquez var senast tänkt att möta Fabricio Werdum under UFC 207, men plockades bort från matchkortet av NSAC (Nevada State Athletic Commission) efter att det kommit fram att Velasquez tampades med ett par skador. Enligt Cains tränare Javier Mendez kommer det dröja innan vi får se tungviktaren tillbaka inne i oktogonen, då han knappt ens besöker gymmet längre, och detta hade han att säga via ”Submission Radio”:

He’s been more enjoying time with his wife and he did an AirBnb, those rentals that you rent. He’s got one in Arizona that he’s fixing up to rent, so he’s been doing that and spending time with his wife and his child. He’s been doing more family stuff. He comes in the gym on a rare occasion, but he’s slowly coming back into it. He’s not jumping on board to do anything, he’s just taking his time.

I know that May 11 is something they’re looking at, but realistically Cain is not gonna fight on short notice. He’s not gonna fight without an eight-week training camp. So I look at it like if he’s hardly ever coming into the gym now because he has other business things he has to take care of, I don’t see him fighting (soon). I see him fighting two times this year, but I don’t see him fighting in May because of the timeframe.

Sist vi såg Velasquez inne i oktogonen slog han ut Travis Browne, då de möttes under UFC 200.

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