
Alexander Gustafsson: Jon Jones är fortfarande bäst i världen, så att vinna titeln nu är inte samma sak

Jon Jones är misstänkt för att vara inblandad i en smitningsolycka som resulterat i att en gravid kvinna förts till sjukhus med en bruten arm, samt blivit av med sitt lättviktsbälte och kommer inte möta Anthony Johnson vid UFC 187. Här kan ni läsa vad ingen mindre än Alexander Gustafsson hade att säga om det hela, via sitt konto ”The Mauler Inside” på appen Mikz:

I think it is very tragic for the sport, for himself and for the UFC. I also want to say that he is the best guy in the world, he is the champion, pound for pound. It is also very tragic because all the fighters are working very hard to get to that position, to face him and get the title. He has not lost that title from competition, he lost it because he does stupid things.

Even if I go up there and I compete and win the world title, it is not the same, because you want to get that belt from the best guy in the world. It is very tragic. I wish him well, and that he is going to get better.

UFC did the right thing, it was the only thing they could have done. This is a favor to him. You can not continue doing this while you are having the world title.

Alexander ser vi härnäst inne i oktagonen vid ”UFC: Fight Night: Berlin” den 20 juni, där han kommer ta sig an Glover Teixeira.

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