
Alistair Overeem skeptisk till Brock Lesnars comeback i UFC

Forne Strikeforce och DREAM-tungviktsmästaren Alistair Overeem har tidigare gjort det tydligt att han skulle vilja möta Brock Lesnar en andra gång om han återvänder till UFC.

Rykten har sedan gått om att Lesnar skulle återvända efter att Dana White föreslagit detta. Overeem är dock mycket skeptiskt till att det kommer att hända.

Det här berättade Overeem, via ”USA Today Sports”:

To be honest, it’s not gonna happen. I’m gonna retract those statements, though I was actually one of the first say; ”Hey, I think he’s going to make it”.  He’s not going to make it.

In the beginning it was easy but in the end it was very hard for him. He’s the kind of guy that goes where it’s easy for him. It’s too hard and the competition is to stiff.

There’s no way he’s gonna get that belt. He might win one virtue and then he’s gonna face difficult competition and then he’s gonna get destroyed again. Mentally, that does something to you.

Mentally, you need to be really strong to re-invent yourself and go at it again.In this situation where he does WWE, it’s kinda like hot and nice, you know, relaxed. He’s doing his thing.

Do you really want to go through the swamp again? I don’t think so. If he doesn’t have any money, he’ll do it but he has money. He’s got everything that he wants.

He’s gonna stay where he is and he might attend some UFC events but more than that, it’s not gonna happen. I would be very surprised.

Overeem och Lesnar mötte varandra under UFC 141 i december 2011, då Overeem segrade via knockout i första ronden. Lesnar berättade sedan att han valde att att sluta med MMA och gick sedan tillbaka till WWE.

Overeem möter härnäst Roy Nelson under UFC 185 i Dallas.

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