
Colby Covington: ”Jorge Masvidal avslöjades i matchen mot Kamaru Usman”

Jorge Masvidal Colby Covington

Under helgen som gick kunde vi se Kamaru Usman ta sig an Jorge Masvidal i en match som Colby Covington nu anser “avslöjade” Masvidal.

Masvidal var bara hype

I sin senaste match kunde vi se Jorge Masvidal besegras av welterviktsmästaren Kamaru Usman via ett enhälligt domslut. Någon som såg matchen och nu kommenterat den är Masvidals forne träningskamrat, Colby Covington. Covington berättar nu att han anser att Masvidal avslöjades som någon som enbart var hype och inte kunde leva upp till den hype som byggts upp, det berättade han för MMAJunkie.

I wanted to watch, but then I feel asleep. It was so boring, it was a hug-fest and they were playing footsie the whole time. That wasn’t a real fight. ‘Marty Fakenewsman’s’ stock went way down in that fight. He’s definitely the most boring fighter in the history of the UFC and we found out just what I said the whole time, ‘Street Judas’ Masvidal is all hype. He had his 15 seconds of fame, his 15 seconds of fame are up. He hit lightning in a bottle, but just we found out what everyone knew. He’s not a well-rounded fighter, he got exposed.

”Patetiskt att han frågar om returmatch”

Covington valde även att kritisera att Masvidal valt att be om en direkt returmatch mot Usman, vilket Covington kallar patetiskt.

It’s pathetic that he’s out there asking for a rematch. He lost every round, dude you got destroyed. I won three rounds off ‘Marty Fakenewsman,’ you’re not on my level Jorge and you know that. Deep down inside, you could say whatever you want to the media and talk all that shit before, guess what motherfucker, I’m not at American Top Team no more, we could do this anytime.

Tror inte Masvidal kommer acceptera match

Covington själv skulle kunna tänka sig en match mot Masvidal härnäst men han tror inte att Masvidal skulle ta en sådan match.

If he ducks me so hard that he refuses to fight me and he just runs away, it just shows how he’s all hype. He’s got 15 losses on his record. He’s a true definition of a journeyman in this sport. He’s always been the Robin to my Batman. He’s always been the JV to my varsity. It doesn’t have to happen because if it doesn’t happen, frankly, the fans and the people will know why it didn’t happen because he was scared and he didn’t want it to happen. So I would love for it to happen, it’s an easy fight. I would expose him.

En mer underhållande match

Enligt Covington skulle en match mellan honom själv och Masvidal vara mycket mer underhållande än den mellan Usman och Covington.

It would be a lot more entertaining. That last fight, that was the most boring fight of all time with ‘Marty Fakenewsman’ so if I get in there, he’ll never be the same person again and he knows that deep down. We sparred a lot of rounds for eight years. You can go on YouTube and look at the last time we fought. We fought in our living room, we used to live together so we fought every chance we got and he never won one second of those fights. They were pretty violent, I left him unconscious face down a couple of times.

Usman och Masvidal möttes under UFC 251 som ägde rum den 11:e juli i Abu Dhabi, Förenade Arabemiraten.

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