
Conor McGregor: Träffar jag är matchen över

Jose Aldo försvarade under helgen sitt fjäderviktsbälte under UFC 179, då han besegrade Chad Mendes via ett enhälligt domslut i Brasilien. Conor McGregor var en av de som tyckte det var en bra match mellan de båda kämparna, men hade han själv varit inne i oktagonen hade det slutat annorlunda.

Detta hade McGregor att säga, via ”MMAWeekly”:

It was a phenomenal contest. I showed my respect for both competitors. They put it all on the line. They slugged it out, that Thai style; you hit me, I hit you, we stand and we trade. It was beautiful to watch the fight.

I believe he can be hit, but he showed his heart. He showed his will. He showed his frustration as well at times. He was looking toward the ref and things of that nature. I believe he got frustrated, but it was a great contest. I have nothing but respect for anyone that gets in there and lays it on the line. But I feel if I connect, it will end. That is the difference between myself and these people.

You can’t stand flat-footed. You can’t stand in front of me like he did there. You can’t stand there. One or two clean shots from me and it is all over. I don’t need to hit you clean. It just needs to be anywhere. I definitely saw holes in the game. My confidence is sky high looking at the contest.

Conor kan få sin chans på fjäderviktsbältet redan under nästa sommar, förutsatt att han besegrar Dennis Siver vid ”UFC: Fight Night 59″ i januari.

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