Daniel Cormier har reagerat efter att Islam Makhachevs seger i titelmatchen vid UFC 284 blivit kritiserad.
Daniel Cormier anser att Islam Makhachev förtjänade segern
Denna helg såg vi fjäderviktsmästaren Alexander Volkanovski (25-2) och lättviktsmästaren Makhachev (24-1) göra upp om lättviktsbältet vid RAC Arena i Perth, Australien.
Det var dock Makhachev som gick segrande ur mötet genom enhälligt domslut. Efter segern ifrågasatte dock många fans poängdomarnas beslut att ge segern till Makhachev.
Även om expertkommentatorn tillika UFC-legendaren Daniel Cormier hyllat Volkanovskis insats så råder det ingen tvekan om att Makhachev förtjänade segern i helgen:
Alexander Volkanovski was the first person to make Islam Makhachev look human. Granted, he made him look human, but he still didn’t win the fight. And I think because of the praise and the admiration that Alexander gets for his performance, I think it speaks to how special Makhachev is.
He was landing a lot of the real damaging shots, and he won the fight. The feigned outrage that was online was unfair because it’s not real. It’s not real. There was no reason for people to seem upset at the result of that fight, because Makhachev won. He won the fight three rounds to two in my opinion. The judge that scored it 49-46, it’s just a bad scorecard.
All in all, great fight. This was a tremendous fight. And to be this early in the year, this one has potential because of who they are to still be in the mix for Fight of the Year by the end of the year, which was amazing.
Håller ni med Cormiers resonemang?