
Diego Brandao erkänner att han hotade Dustin Poirier

Den 28 december gick UFC 168 av stapeln i Las Vegas, där vi bland annat fick ta del av mötet mellan Diego Brandao och Dustin Poirier. Redan vid invägningen var stämningen hätsk  mellan de båda deltagarna, och anledningen ska ha varit att Diego hotat Dustin precis innan.

Nu berättar Brandao sin version av händelsen, där han bland annat erkänner hotet via ”MMAFighting.com”:

He was there, bouncing at the weigh-ins, staring at me. I told him backstage ’if you ever do that again, I’ll stab you with a pen.’ That’s what happened. Every time he saw me at the hotel he kept staring at me, and I responded asked what was the problem, if he looking like that because he was hungry or what. When he got inside the cage I saw he was scared. He got lucky (to win).

I have a lot of things to change, including the way I speak, my personality. People think I’m an ignorant man, but I’m a funny guy. But when I get inside that cage, I’m fighting for my family and my career. It’s hard to explain. I’m still learning, and I will be at the Top 10 one day.

I have nothing bad to say to Poirier. He did a good job, and that fight is in the past. I’m learning with the losses, and I only lost to tough opponents. I will rematch those guys one day and I’ll be the UFC champion.

Matchen slutade i förlust för Diego, som besegrades via KO i slutet av första ronden.

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