
Joe Rogan räknar inte bort Conor McGregor i en match mot Floyd Mayweather

Mycket pekar på att det planeras en boxningsmatch mellan UFC-mästaren Conor McGregor och boxningslegenden Floyd Mayweather, men ännu är ingenting skrivet i sten. De flesta tror att det hela kommer bli en enkel match för Mayweather, men en som inte räknat bort McGregor är Joe Rogan.

Detta hade Rogan att säga via sin podcast “The Joe Rogan Experience”:

Mayweather is a way better boxer. There’s just no doubt about it. He’s one of the greatest boxers, if not the greatest boxer that has ever lived. And even though he’s smaller, you’re talking about a completely different level of skill, a completely different level of understanding of the subtle nuances of boxing. But that said, Conor McGregor is not incompetent. He’s very dangerous.

Floyd Mayweather is a way better boxer, but Conor McGregor is dangerous as (expletive), and he has a really deceptive ability to move in and move out. He can cover distance very quickly, and he can do so in a weird way. He can do so in a way where he might stun you. He might stun you, and he might catch you early, and he hits really (expletive) hard. But if Floyd can figure him out and start using his jab and using his movement — see, Floyd has traditionally had problems with southpaws, but he’s never lost to one. And we’re talking about professional boxers.

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