
Jon Jones är fokuserad och i hårdträning

Jon Jones har inte stått inne i oktagonen sedan han besegrade Daniel Cormier vid UFC 182 den 3 januari, då han varit inblandad i en smitningsolycka. Nyligen fick dock Jones tillbaka sitt kontrakt i organisationen, och ligger i dagsläget i hårdträning.

Detta hade Jons manager Malki Kawa att säga om det hela, via ”The MMA Hour”:

The only word that can really describe Jon right now is ‘focused’. I’ve never seen him this focused. He’s super focused. He’s more focused than he’s ever been before.

I’m watching him through many different camps, and the coaches have told me how he does many different things through many different camps. This is the first time that he doesn’t have a fight scheduled, he’s in Albuquerque, and he’s actually training.

Most of the time when he doesn’t have a fight, he doesn’t train at all. There’s no weightlifting, there’s no jiu-jitsu practice, there’s no boxing, there isn’t anything. So, this is the first time we can sit here, all of us, and say he’s actually putting in some work. And he’s really putting in some work.

Härnäst har Malki meddelat att han vill se Jones möta lätt tungviktsmästaren Daniel Cormier i New York, en match som i sådana fall skulle ske i april.

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