
Jon Jones talar inte sanning enligt experter

Enligt vissa personer kan kroppspråk berätta nästan vad som helst om vad en person egentligen tycker och känner, trots att det inte vill berätta om det. Oavsett om det handlar om vandrande blickar, överdriven självsäkerhet eller en avfärdande inställning så har det länge funnits personer som ägnat sig åt att tyda dessa signaler.

Yahoo Sports har därför valt att gå till botten med Jon Jones nyligen gjorda intervju, där han berättar om sitt användande av kokain innan UFC 182. Flera experter på kroppspråk kontaktades och fick dela med sig om sina synpunkter på det hela. De kom alla överens om samma sak: Jones kroppspråk visar på något helt annat än det han berättar.

Det här berättade en av de två analytikerna, Janine Driver, via ”Bloody Elbow”:

When Jones answers that, no, he did not use cocaine from the time he took the test to the fight, he responds with a strong denial. He says, ‘No. No, I did not.’ This is the best denial and is often heard from honest people. However, we then see a smile. This is called ‘duping delight’ and this is indicative of someone who is being deceptive. This indicates to me there’s something he’s not saying here.

When again asked by the reporter, other than in college, this one time before the fight is the only time he had used cocaine, responded, ‘Yeah, pretty much…’ This is more ”squishy language” and it indicates he’s not giving us the whole truth. He also does an eyebrow flash here, which indicates surprise. What is he surprised about?

Den andra analytikern, Patti Wood, är expert på icke verbal kommunikation. Det här hade hon att säga:

Though at first glance he seems amazingly calm, and matter of fact, if you look closely and examine his subtle nonverbal cues, he shows tension. There are indicators he is holding his deep displeasure [with having to do the interview, or the answers he’s giving]; he pulls back on volume of his voice. The interviewer is speaking in a clipped, loud, assertive voice; he is not matching her volume or assertiveness, which would be normal if he was totally relaxed, and revealing everything. Instead, oddly we see this big fighter whispering back his answers.

Jones says, ‘I am not here to make excuses.” This is an interesting statement. People who are demonstrating true integrity and honesty in revealing everything would not even feel the need to say that. He then follows that with, ‘Basically, I was at a party.’ Basically acts as a curtain word that covers up the truth and details of what happened at the party. I typically only hear someone use a curtain word in interviews and interrogations and courtroom testimony when they are hiding the truthful details. You don’t typically use ‘basically’ in everyday conversations. A scientist might use the word when trying to describe a complex process that he doesn’t want to spend the time describing to a novice in his field. Jones is not telling you how wild his behavior really was.

Jones mötte senast Daniel Cormier under UFC 182, då han segrade via enhälligt domslut. Sedan det visade sig att han testat positivt för kokain, har han enbart fått böta 200 000 kr och spenderat en natt på rehab.

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