Den kvinnliga bantamviktaren Julianna Pena blev under gårdagen arresterad, efter att ha varit inblandad i ett krogslagsmål i Spokane, Washington. Enligt polisrapporten ska Pena och hennes träningspartner Josh Gow ha blivit nekade att använda toaletten efter ett gatuslagsmål och Pena svarade då med skrevsparkar på barens ägare.
Det här kunde man läsa via MMAFighting:
An alleged victim and two witnesses told officers that Pena and Josh Gow, her training partner on the Sikjitsu fight team, attempted to enter Zola’s bar after being involved in a street fight. Witnesses said Gow’s face was covered in blood from the brawl and the two wanted to use the bathroom to get Gow cleaned up. Bar employees told Pena and Gow that the establishment was closed and they could not come in, which prompted Pena to become ”irate,” according to one witness.
Witnesses said that Pena kicked a bar employee in the groin and then, while outside the business, kicked the owner in the groin twice. Gow did not get physical with anyone, witnesses said, and was described as being clearly drunk. The two attempted to enter Zola’s again, witnesses said, but were locked out. Gow then rubbed his bloody face on the bar’s front window, according to witnesses.
Enligt polisen Erik Kannberg var Pena den enda som arresterades av 20 inblandade och hon nekade sedan händelsen.
Kannberg said Pena told him that they had been involved in a fight with 20 people outside Globe, Gow had suffered a facial injury and she wanted to take him to Zola’s to clean up because she knew the owner. Pena said that employees at Zola’s didn’t let them in because Gow was bleeding, according to Kannberg. Pena indicated that they had then left, Kannberg said. He wrote that he asked Pena if anything happened and she said no.
UFC vice president of public relations Dave Sholler told MMA Fighting on Sunday that the promotion is ”aware of the situation” and ”in the process of gathering more info.
Pena vann tidigare i The Ultimate Fighter 18 och ligger rankad nummer 5 i bantamvikt då hon är obesegrad med 3 raka vinster efter sitt möte mot Jessica Eye under UFC 192.
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