Den forne interimmästare Colby Covington mötte under helgen welterviktsmästaren Kamaru Usman under UFC 245 i Las Vegas, där han förlorade via en TKO i den femte ronden när domaren Marc Goddard hoppade in och bröt matchen. De två hade fram till dess gått en jämn match mot varandra.
Covington var synligen inte nöjd med stoppet och menade att det var för tidigt. Kamaru hade slagit ner honom två tillfällen innan han befann sig hukandes på mattan och skyddade sig från hammerfists. Det var då Goddard valde att hoppa in och stoppa mötet.
På Twitter gick Covington under gårdagen ut med följande meddelandet till Goddard:
Normally people do their fucking in the bedroom, not the octagon @marcgoddard_uk! I go in there to kill or be killed. You robbed me of that. You robbed the people of a fair fight. You should be ashamed of yourself. Fake nut shot. Fake eye poke. Fake stoppage. Fake ref. #ufc245
— Colby Covington (@ColbyCovMMA) December 15, 2019
Normally people do their f*cking in the bedroom, not the octagon @marcgoddard_uk! I go in there to kill or be killed. You robbed me of that. You robbed the people of a fair fight. You should be ashamed of yourself. Fake nut shot. Fake eye poke. Fake stoppage. Fake ref. #ufc245
Nu har Goddard svarat på Covingtons meddelande på följande sättet:
Raw emotion & the highest of stakes, fighting is like nothing else on earth. I respect each & every person I stand between & I will give you all I’ve got. I am a human being. Thank you to all who understand what I have put into this game, that will never stop. God bless. ❤️
— Marc Goddard (@marcgoddard_uk) December 15, 2019
Raw emotion & the highest of stakes, fighting is like nothing else on earth. I respect each & every person I stand between & I will give you all I’ve got. I am a human being. Thank you to all who understand what I have put into this game, that will never stop. God bless.
En fighter som höll med om stoppet inte var bra var Josh THomson som hade följande att säga:
Colby was up 3-1 on one judges card and the other two had it tied going into the 5th 2-2. Bottom line, he lost the 5th but that stoppage was a bad stoppage in a title fight. He was hurt but not done fighting. Bottom line, good fight by both guys. Congrats to @USMAN84kg #andstill
— Josh Thomson (@THEREALPUNK) December 15, 2019
Colby was up 3-1 on one judges card and the other two had it tied going into the 5th 2-2. Bottom line, he lost the 5th but that stoppage was a bad stoppage in a title fight. He was hurt but not done fighting. Bottom line, good fight by both guys. Congrats to @USMAN84kg #andstill
Vad tycker ni om Goddards svar till Covington? Håller ni med om att stoppet var rätt?