Robert Whittaker (24-6) tror att Khamzat Chimaev (12-0) skulle besegra Colby Covington (17-3) om de två kom att mötas i oktagonen.
Robert Whittaker: I think that’s a terrible fight for Colby.
Robert Whittaker tror att Colby Covington skulle få det tufft mot den svenske Khamzat Chimaev. Det berättade han i en intervju med Submission Radio.
I think that’s a terrible fight for Colby. Terrible.
Han utvecklar sitt påstående med att uppbyggnaden inför matchen hade varit otrolig. Att den skulle gynna sporten och inte minst atleterna. En match av den kalibern, med två färgstarka personligheter som får månader på sig att bygga upp vad som onekligen skulle bli ett hatmöte.
Media-wise, I think it’ll be a spectacle. Yeah, expect the full circus. And that’ll be fun in itself. Those things, whilst I don’t like prioritizing them in a sport, as a sportsman and as someone in the industry, for the sport and for the UFC as a whole, having those characters, those personalities and things, it just brings eyes. It’s just great for all the other athletes. You know, within reason.
Självaste matchen tror han dock skulle vara otroligt ensidig. Hans egna erfarenheter och intryck menar att Khamzat skulle styra matchen samt neutralisera Colbys brottning.
Because you saw with Usman that anyone Colby can’t just relentlessly spam takedowns on, it becomes a kickboxing fight and a striking match. And I think Covington’s great at what he does, but he’s not a kickboxer, he’s not a striker by trade. That doesn’t come naturally to him.
”Khamzat can counter-wrestle Colby.”
Whittaker ger inte ”Chaos” Covington många chanser mot ”Borz”. Han hyllar Khamzat och hans ”fight-IQ”.
I think that’s due to the fact that it’s more about the people he’s fighting. Like, he’s a smart guy. And his fight IQ is very high. You can see that, regardless of how he portrays himself, he’s a smart guy when he’s in there. And so he knows who he can unload on and pull the trigger and who he cannot. I would back Khamzat for sure. I think it’s a bad match-up for Colby.
Angående Whittaker, honom ser vi tillbaka i buren i februari. Då tar han sig an Paulo Costa (14-2) på UFC 284.