
Rousimar Palhares: Jake Shields hade vaselin över hela sin kropp

Jake Shields mötte under helgen Rousimar Palhares under WSOF 22, en match som fick sig ett kontroversiellt avslut. Palhares höll nämligen i och lade tryck på sin submission trots att Shields klappade och domaren var framme. Enligt Jake så ska även Rousimar petat in sina fingrar i Shields ögon vid flertalet tillfällen.

Nu har Palhares gått ut via ”MMAFighting” för att meddela att även Jake fightades smutsigt, då han ska ha haft vaselin över hela sin kropp. Detta hade han att säga:

Jake Shields is unbelievable. He’s a total a–hole. I couldn’t believe someone could be such an a–hole. He has no respect for me, for the sport, for anyone. He’s dishonest. He had Vaseline all over his body, he was more slippery than a okra. I couldn’t grab a hold of him for nothing.

The things that happened during the fight made me pissed. He’s calling me a dirty fighter, but he’s the one with Vaseline all over his body. That’s dirty. He had so much Vaseline that I could barely stand back up after we went to the ground for the first time. I couldn’t event throw a kick or go for a takedown, I couldn’t hold him at all because he was too slippery.

I never gouged his eyes. I was pushing his face because he was hitting my eyes with his chin. He says his eyes were like that because I eye gouged him, but how about my kicks and punches? Is he crazy? I beat him up, tapped him, and he’s saying I did that because I eye gouged him? That’s pure crap.

He was so slippery I had to be fast or he would escape. It was impossible to finish him like that. I told the referee he was slippery, but the referee didn’t even take his gloves off to check. I said ‘I’m going to catch this guy and I have to be fast’, and that’s what I did. I didn’t hold the submission. I was right, in my opinion. My goal was to win the cleanest way possible.

Rousimar blev fråntagen sitt bälte i organisationen efter händelserna, något som han själv inte håller med om var rätt beslut. Om vi kommer att få se Palhares inne i buren igen återstår att se.

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