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Mike Perry till Covington: I’m gonna f***ing stab you in the eye with my thumb”

Oavsett vad man tycker om Mike Perry så måste nog alla hålla med om att han är en karaktär som gör en hel del intressanta uttalanden. Det finns något med ”Platinum” som får folk att lyfta på ögonbrynen, vilket också UFC har snappat upp då de inte är sena med att marknadsföra och hålla fram honom. Sen han slog Danny Roberts på prelimkortet på UFC 204 har nämligen Perry, vinst eller förlust, bara fått gå på huvudkort.

”Platinums” senaste vinst var över Paul Felder och i november är han satt att möta Donald ”Cowboy” Cerrone i Denver.

Matchen sätter Perry i en lite obekväm sists då han och Cerrone tidigare har tränat tillsammans, men också spenderat en massa tid privat utanför träningslokalen. Under intervjun med Submission Radio lät det ändå som om detta inte ska påverka Perry.

“Shit, let’s get this money. Let’s go,”

”The guy was kind to me, but the UFC does what they want. They want to set up a fight. And I figured, shit, a year or two from now somebody from JacksonWink is probably going to be trying to fight me. So, it is what it is. We fight. The question is, do you want to get this money or not? Yeah, I need this money, so we fight. I fought his ass for free, I might as well fight his ass for a hundred grand.”

“I mean, I hope it’s as crazy if not crazier than the Felder fight,”

“I hope I can get the finish though. I’m looking for the finish always. I’m gonna try to put my hands on his face and KO him. I’m not looking for a submission. If he gives up his neck I’m gonna try to reach for it and I’ll try and grab it, but I’m looking to hit him in the face and knock him unconscious in between one to three rounds. I don’t care when, just get the job done.”

På frågan vad han tänkt göra med pengarna om han slår Cerrone svarar Perry.

“He took me shooting guns, we went out on his boat and he took me surfing on his boat. That was really cool. Really nice of the guy,”

“And he’s like, ‘Wow, look at this asshole who’s gonna come fight me now and try and take everything I work for.’ But he’s had all of this and all this money, all this time, and we in the fight business. So, I’m trying to get a damn boat too. So, you got that money, you got the notoriety. I gotta get it, I gotta come take it so I get me a boat, so I go surfing when I want.”

Perry verkar redan titta bortom matchen i november och har inget emot att möta Darren Till, en annan fighter han har tränat med. Dock är Colby Covington den han verkligen vill möta. Covington som gjort sig känd för sin outtröttlighet och brottning, vilket Perry tror sig själv ha svar på.

“If we go off of anger issues and fuckin’ Colby Covington is just a little fucking bitch, then I’ll take that fight all day. But Till would be great out of respect and skill, and I respect what the kid has done. Shit, I respect – I mean, Colby’s got the fuckin’ interim belt, so I don’t respect him for that. But, he did something that I have not done yet, so I know he’s talented as far as fighting goes. His strength, his wrestling capabilities, his cardio, it’s all there. He trains his ass off. But I’d get in there with him and try to cut his face open.”

“He doesn’t get stripped until they fight for the title. So, I mean, the guy’s got really good cardio. Actually, Darren Till had that so say about Colby. Colby runs in the mountains every day. This motherfucker has good cardio and he puts the pressure on people. He just leans on people. I feel like it’s not a very dangerous fight as far as getting injured, getting hurt, getting busted up by Colby, but his ability to lean up on you and stop you from using your game is strong. It’s strong. That’s why his wrestling background is good. You know, fuck him though. I’ll fucking cut his ass up. You wanna lean on me? You can’t just lay on me in a fight. I’m gonna fucking stab you in the eye with my thumb if I have to.”

Under reglerna skulle detta givetvis leda till att han blir diskad, men vi får kanske ta det med en nypa salt då det trots allt kommer från Perrys mun.

Det går att se hela intervjun från Submission Radion här ovan.

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