
Johnny Walker kände sig omotiverad inför mötet moy Corey Anderson

Den brasilianske lätt-tungviktaren Johnny Walker fick sin första förlust i UFC när han mötte Corey Anderson under UFC 244 förra helgen där han avslutades via TKO i första ronden. Innan detta hade han 9 raka vinster.

Walker berättar nu att han kände sig omotiverad inför mötet.

Via ’BJPenn.com’:

I am always very confident but I don’t feel the motivation to fight. I have been very far away from my family many times and I was sad with a lot of problems with my team, my coach and my life. I’m not happy to fight and it is very stressful for fight week. Some things go wrong and it impacts me a lot. I don’t let it try to affect me but I don’t feel very happy to fight or want to win. I just want to go back to my family and recharge my energy. I’m going to make a lot of changes now.

Walker kommer nu umgås med sin familj och försöka hitta motivationen igen.

Han berättar också att han oroade sig för mycket över att bli nedtagen i mötet mot Anderson.

I changed my game plan too much for this fight. Everyone said he was a wrestler and wants to take me down. Too many people talked to me about him taking me down, so it made me change my game. If I start the fight like I always start and go inside and give my kicks, my knees, my punch, I knock him out.

I don’t know why I held myself from going at it. And then this happened.A lot of things happened. He can not take me down, I have good takedown defense and good wrestling. So, this fight showed me I can defend the takedown because he tried and I stuffed it. I’m not focused on the fight, as well. My mind was not good to fight, I was not excited. But, I will never let this happen again.

Walker känner att förlusten kommer att göra honom till en bättre fighter och att han kommer vara mer redo än någonsin inför sitt nästa möte.

I will learn a lot. Not just the technique and the fight, but about life. Everything can make a difference. Just how people talk to you, who is around you. You have to be happy with everything and I want to change everything to make my next fight perfect.

I want the winner of Shogun Rua and Paul Craig in Sao Paulo. I’ll be at the event to watch it and I want to fight the winner.

I’m 27, I am young and hungry. I need two more wins then I’ll be back in the same place I am now. Two or three more wins and I can challenge Jones. I want to fight soon, maybe January, February. I have no injury just want to go to Brazil to see my family, recharge my energy and come back strong again.

Vad tycker ni om Walkers uttalande?

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