
Paulie Malignaggis manager i kontakt med Dana White om ett möte med Conor McGregor


Jaser Davari


Conor McGregor har som bekant en mindre bra relation med Paulie Malignaggi. Malignaggi var ursprungligen intagen som en sparringpartner inför supermötet med Floyd Mayweather. Malignaggi lämnade McGregors träningsläger efter att han ansåg att han hade blivit felaktigt presenterad av McGregors team.

Malignaggi har efter att han lämnade McGregors träningsläger talat mindre trevligt om McGregor och han har varit intresserad av ett boxningsmöte med McGregor. Malignaggi säger nu att hans manager, Al Haymon har kontaktat Dana White angående ett möte med McGregor. Malignaggi uttryckte sig på följande sätt om en potentiell match mot McGregor via Fighthype:

I know Al Haymon’s talking to Dana White. I  know they’re speaking, so if they want the fight they’ll make it.

Al Haymon makes anything he wants to happen, happen. Once I spoke to Al and Team Haymon, and they told me they wanted to make this fight, I knew that the only was this fight doesn’t happen is if [Conor] had absolutely no balls.

This fight will pay him more, this fight will get him more exposure, this fight is a bigger fight than anybody else he has. There’s no more Mayweather fight. This fight is the biggest fight there is. So once they told me that, I knew the only way this doesn’t happen is if this guy has absolutely no balls. Which wouldn’t surprise me because he has no balls. But the way they’re going to present it to him, it’s going to be presented in a way where he really shouldn’t turn it down.”

Fighthypes intervju med Malignaggi återges nedan:

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