
TJ Dillashaw kallar Conor McGregor för landsförrädare

Under en intervju med Conor McGregor och Urijah Faber som gjordes i samband med inspelningarna av TUF 22, hävdade McGregor att Fabers lagkamrat T.J. Dillashaw var ”en orm i gräset” som enbart hjälpte Faber för att gynna sig själv:

He is a twerp. You shouldn’t let him into your s—, because he is a snake in the grass and I told you that to your face. You brought him into TUF thinking he would help you. He was there to help him. He’s a snake in the grass and you need to figure that out.

Förra veckan lämnade Dillashaw sedan Team Alpha Male för att börja fightas på Elevation Fight Team i Colorado, vilket då för många bekräftade att Dillashaw var precis det som McGregor förutspått.

Nu försvarar Dillashaw dock det hela med att det enbart handlade om timing och menar att McGregor i såna fall är en landsförrädare, eftersom han valde att flytta till Las Vegas på grund av karriären.

Det här berättade Dillashaw, via ”The MMA Hour”:

Pretty crazy – it was just timing. Ttiming’s everything I guess on that, and it all happened at the time when Conor called us out. It’s actually kind of ridiculous for him to call me a ‘snake’ or a ‘traitor,’ when the fact is I made a business decision. I feel like that’s…that’s like Conor saying it’s making business decisions, it’s all about business, it’s the fight business.

I’m getting told I’m a snake because I make a business decision for my career. That’s just pretty hypocritical, it’s very hypocritical to me when other people believe what he says.

If I’m a traitor, I feel like [McGregor]’s an even bigger traitor to his country. He went to Ireland, and he’s a big country man, and then he lives in the United States now. He moved to Las Vegas. Why? It’s better for his career. It’s business. And so, I put it so everyone understands, I’m just trying to stay on top and I want to become the best MMA fighter possible and I need coaches to do so. Right now in Sacramento, I’m teaching kickboxing classes, Martin Kampmann’s moving home. He was a great mitt-man and a boxing coach, but he’s a boxing coach. We have to coach each other at Team Alpha Male right now, and that’s a big problem for me.

Ultimately, it was a business decision. I’m going to have these haters out there, but haters are gonna hate.

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