
Daniel Cormiers invägning inför UFC 170 kan orsaka stor sorg

Att Daniel Cormier går ner en viktklass är ett beslut som tagit många år att fatta, och för Cormier själv har det inte varit smärtfritt. Men nu verkar det som att det kommer att gå vägen, trots skepticism från olika håll.

Detta är vad Daniel själv hade att säga om saken i en telefonintervju med ”MMAjunkie”:

I’m actually smaller now than I was when I was wrestling. I was wrestling and weighing 240, 245 [pounds] sometimes. Now I’m actually weighing 220 in the morning. I’ve never been this light. It’s an amazing feeling.

I’ve so far been down past my Olympic weight, and it’s a relief but it’s also very sad. It reminds me that because I wasn’t disciplined and committed to myself and my goal, I cheated myself out of a chance to become an Olympic champion. So it will be a good feeling to weigh in, because yeah, I did it, I got this done. But there’s also this overwhelming sadness at what I cost myself and what I cheated myself out of in the grand scheme of things.

I think it gets lost on people sometimes that, yeah, I wasn’t doing things the right way, but I still belong to a small fraternity of people who competed in the Olympic Games and competed at the highest level, Now I’m in the UFC, but I’m still an Olympic-level athlete, and an Olympic-level athlete is a person who, when they set their mind to something, they get it done. So yeah, there is a part of me that says, to hell with people who say I can’t do this. I’ve done things that most people can only dream of. To set my mind to something like this and do it again, it does feel pretty good.

Tiden börjar rinna iväg för Cormier då han fortfarande behöver gå ner några kilo till, så det återstår att se om han lyckats med den bedriften då invägningarna äger rum nu på fredag. Daniel kommer nämligen ta sig an Patrick Cummins vid helgens UFC 170, den 22 februari.

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