
Miesha Tate om Jon Jones dopingtest: Okunskap är ingen ursäkt

miesha tate

Den forne lätte-tungviktsmästaren Jon Jones testade som bekant nyligen positivt för steroiden Turinabol, men Jones hävdar trots detta att han är oskyldig. Men Turinabol fanns i hans system och att använda okunskap som en ursäkt är inte rimligt enligt den forne bantamviksmästarinnan Miesha Tate som uttryckte sig på följande sätt via MMA Tonight:

You’re either clean or you’re not. There is no gray zone when it comes to full contact sports, period.  I don’t care if USADA says don’t eat Cheerios the week of your fight. Guess what, I ain’t eating Cheerios. That’s the rules. They make it so the sport is safe and clean, and we need to follow them.

Tate sa även att USADA delar ut information om vilka substanser som är giltiga och är du osäker kan du fråga USADA:

You know the rules directly ahead of time, USADA hands out pamphlets, tons of information. They make it very very easy. If you have a question, if there’s anything that a doctor prescribes you, you have phone numbers, you have a website. You can run it through a number of people to verify if this is a safe product or not.

I utilized this many times myself, just to be precautions.  I have a slight thyroid disorder. My thyroid runs a little bit slow. I took a natural pig hormone, but I wanted to make sure that it was safe, it was okay. It was cleared, and it was alright, but I went through the process to make sure that what I was putting into my body — I sent all my supplements to USADA to have them cleared, and they’re happy to do that. And that gives me the reassurance because I don’t want to accidentally take something.

But if you’re ‘accidentally’ speeding, and a police officer pulls you over, and said, ‘sorry sir, I was going 20 over, I didn’t realize,’ you’re still going 20 over, period. You can’t use ignorance as an excuse, and it needs to be 100% clean, not basically clean.

Jones har tidigare testat positivt vid dopingprov, den gången hävdade Jones att det var hans potenspiller som hade de otillåtna substanserna i sig. Det återstår att se vilken påföljd Jones kommer att få denna gång.

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